Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Point Scoring Opportunities

Despoiler Points
In order to earn any league points from a game you must use your assigned league army as your primary detachment.

3pts.....Win a game of Warhammer 40k against another member of the league.  You must complete all turns of the game unless a player concedes.  If a player concedes before three full game turns have been played no one scores any league points for that game.  Game must be played a points level at least equal to current month's point level.

2pts.....Lose a game of Warhammer 40k against another member of the league. You must complete all turns of the game unless a player concedes.  If a player concedes before three full game turns have been played no one scores any league points for that game.  Game must be played a points level at least equal to current month's point level.

1pt.....Play a game of Warhammer 40k against any player.  You must complete all turns of the game 
unless a player concedes.  If a player concedes before three full game turns have been played no one scores any league points for that game.  Game must be played a points level at least equal to current month's point level.

Field Marshal Points
Remember that in order to receive hobby points for a model it must be show to Kettil or one of the Nates at a state of no more than primed.  The model sizes are show as a guide and if an individual model seems to defy the size comparison an individual points value can be worked out. In order to receive Field Marshal points a model painted must be either from your league assigned army or a model that could be fielded in an allied detachment for your league army.

1pt.....For each painted model on a 25mm base.

3pts.....For each painted model on a 40mm, 50mm, bike, or calvary base.

5pts.....For each painted light vehicle.  This would include dreadnoughts, warwalkers, vipers, piranhas, killa kans, venoms, ect.

7pts.....For each painted line vehicle.   This would include most dedicate transports, main battle tanks, and small flyers (ork flyers, Storm Talons ects).

9pts.....For each painted Large vehicle.  Generally speaking these are the $70 and up vehicle kits.  Land raiders, Valkyries, Riptides, Wraith Knights, and monoliths.

+2pts.....You get an additional 2 points on top of the model's size points earned if the model in question is an HQ choice.  This represents the fact that generally people spend more time on an HQ model and the model in question has more detail.  This counts only for the HQ model itself, models taken as part of a retinue or bodyguard do not count.  For example a company HQ squad for IG would be worth 7pts (One point each for each model, then additional two points for the actual officer model).

Scribe Points
Additional to all that stuff we had the idea of doing a blog that we could each post stories and battle reports to if we wanted to.  Like all parts of a participation league this would give points but isn't required.  These points could be either considered hobby points for field marshal, points that only count for overall, or it's own category.

1pts.....Basic story, hobby, or background piece.  At least 100 words no more than 500.  Repeat content will not be scored.

2pts.....In Depth background, hobby, or story piece.  Anything longer than 500 words.  Repeat content will not be scored.

2pts.....Basic battle report.  A turn by turn recap of a league member on league member battle.  Must include army lists.  Repeat content will not be scored.

3pts.....In Depth battle report.  A turn by turn recap of a league member on league member battle written as a story.  Must still include army lists but the army lists do not have to be presented in a story format (phew right?).  Repeat content will not be scored.

+1pt.....One to four unique pictures added to the entry to enhance it.

+2pts.....Five or more pictures added to the entry to enhance it.

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